Explore the Best Camping and Outdoor Gear Stores in Vancouver with CanaGuide – Find Top-Rated Camping Equipment and Essential Supplies
Looking for a reliable camping store in Vancouver? Check out CanaGuide for the best selection of outdoor gear and camping equipment from top-rated local businesses. Discover tents, backpacks, camping supplies, and more to make your outdoor adventures memorable.
Canadian Tire
The Canadian Tire store at Vancouver, Cambie & 7Th, BC offers a variety of products including automotive, tools, hardware, sports, household and outdoor living. This location also has an auto centre for car repair & maintenance.
- Camping Store
- Hunting
- Airsoft / Paintball
Sport Chek
Sport Chek is Canada's largest retailer of men's, women's and kids' shoes, jackets and clothing, as well as sporting gear for activities like: running, cycling, swimming, watersports, team sports, hockey, golf and more. Shop online or at one of 200+... M
- Camping Store
- Snow Sport
Sports Junkies Clearance Center
For the best deal in both NEW and USED sporting goods in Vancouver BC. Cash for quality used sporting goods. Come by today to see what your gear is worth
- Camping Store
- Snow Sport
- Hunting
- Snowmobile Rental
Devon G.
Good service. Called around a number of places to get hydraulic brakes fixed. Sports Junkies had best price and fasted turnaround time. New brakes working good. This is a good small shop. Thanks guys.
Good service. Called around a number of places to get hydraulic brakes fixed. Sports Junkies had best price and fasted turnaround time. New brakes working good. This is a good small shop. Thanks guys.
Janelle C.
Friendly, helpful and knowledgeable staff. They love what they do and it shows. I was there on a weekday afternoon to get my snowboard bindings fixed and it was moderately busy (small line up) but each customer still got individual attention. Will definitely return. Thanks team...
Friendly, helpful and knowledgeable staff. They love what they do and it shows. I was there on a weekday afternoon to get my snowboard bindings fixed and it was moderately busy (small line up) but each customer still got individual attention. Will definitely return. Thanks team...
Nicholas G.
Great experience here! Got a really good deal on a high-end bike, and the shop guys squeezed the bike in for service (pre-sale) that was needed, before they closed up today. I came from far (South Surrey) so it was much appreciated. Zack did an amazing job servicing my new bike, ...
Great experience here! Got a really good deal on a high-end bike, and the shop guys squeezed the bike in for service (pre-sale) that was needed, before they closed up today. I came from far (South Surrey) so it was much appreciated. Zack did an amazing job servicing my new bike, ...
We're excited to say that we're welcoming walk-in customers! During busier times, we’ll create a first-come, first-served waitlist to safeguard everyone’s experience inside the store. Please expect some wait time. If you prefer, you can still shop by...
Valhalla Pure Outfitters
Valhalla Pure Outfitters - Vancouver opened summer 2001 to give the big city the small town service that they deserve. We have been curating an excellent selection of outdoor gear ever since. We love to help our customers find the right gear for... More
Rack Attack Vancouver
Rack Attack started as a single store back in 1996, and we've sold over a million racks since. With 19 stores across North America, we offer the widest selection of roof racks, bike racks, cargo boxes, kayak racks, rooftop tents, trailer hitches, ski...
- Camping Store
- Canoe & Kayak